Membership Directory - Individual

Sarah Cole

Head PHE/Founder at Cole Coaching


Personal Profile: Originally from the UK I left in 2008 to teach internationally and have worked in Australia, Hong Kong and since 2013 Singapore. I enjoy reading, being active in nature and spending time with my friends especially when we end up chatting about coaching and the world for hours and hours!!
One Sentence Introduction: Energetic, passionate educator/coach working with individuals and teams to prepare our children and youth to thrive in the world
Primary Focus: Corporate Leaders & Teams, Life / Fulfillment
Coaching Specialities: Health & Wellness, Teams
Professional & Life Experience: Facilitator, Fitness/Nutrition, Manager/Team Lead, Speaker
ICF Membership Number: #009629057I
Credential: ACC
Degrees & Certifications: M.Ed | PGCE | B.Sc
Email Address: sarah [at]
Company Profile: Cole Coaching is a safe haven where you are invited to have honest and open conversations.