Membership Directory - Individual

Foong Sin Chooi



Personal Profile: NUS business graduate, educator, leader and coach in higher education for 20 years. Advocate growth mindset and multidisciplinary thinking to enable teams to achieve optimal impact for greater good. Recently graduated with a MSc in Psychology and Neuroscience of Mental Health motivated by an inner passion to nurture true wellness. A balanced approach that supports the "talent-in-us" to thrive harmoniously. A committed lifelong learner who is passionate about global citizenry, people-centred coaching and experiential living.
One Sentence Introduction: Your trusted partner and supportive catalyst who values authenticity, inner wisdom, integrity and excellence. Be awakened through thought-provoking questions and perspective taking. Be ready to explore new possibilities.
Primary Focus: Career Growth & Transition, Corporate Leaders & Teams, Life / Fulfillment, Relationship / Family
Coaching Specialities: Career, Health & Wellness, Leadership, Life - Balance/Integration, Productivity, Relationship, Teens/Children
Professional & Life Experience: Facilitator, Manager/Team Lead, Married, Parent
ICF Membership Number: 0095822451
Credential: Member/Trained, ACC
Degrees & Certifications: Master in Science in Psychology and Neuroscience of Mental Health (King's College London), Bachelor of Business Administration (NUS)
Email Address: chooi.foong.sin [at]