Membership Directory - Individual

Kelly Kan

Wellbeing Inside Out


Personal Profile: I'm a Professional Certified Coach (ICF), Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach, and Counsellor with over 10 years of experience helping employees and organizations manage their personal and organizational challenges. I've worked with individuals and organizations to help them lead fulfilling lives by identifying their core drivers and aligning them with their strengths. My passion is supporting people's potential for growth and resilience. I believe that we all can thrive in our lives not just survive day-to-day. I desire to see career-driven professionals find meaning, purpose, in whatever they do and regain the peace and happiness that sometimes may seem far away due to work and personal demands. I also believe that employees are the greatest assets in any organization. When employees are thriving, organizations thrive as well which in turn will drive organizational businesses forward in growth. Today, I have also helped many career-driven working professionals overcome mindset barriers, achieve peace and happiness through coaching, counseling, and training.
One Sentence Introduction: I Help Create Thriving Employees and Thriving Organizations
Primary Focus: Career Growth & Transition, Corporate Leaders & Teams, Life / Fulfillment
Coaching Specialities: Career, Change Management, Leadership, Life - Balance/Integration, Productivity, Teams
Professional & Life Experience: Consultant, Facilitator, Married, Non-Profit, Parent, Speaker, Therapist/Counsellor, Trainer
Credential: PCC
Degrees & Certifications: Masters of Social Science (Counselling), Certified Transformative Masters Coach (Coach Masters Academy), Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach, Certified NLP Practitioner, Leading High Performance teams (Gallup),
Email Address: kelly [at]
Company Profile: We believe that people form the core of our client's businesses, and relationships form the basis of effective systems and networks in organisations. Having worked with organisations, teams, and individuals to build effective pillarsfor groups, we understand that each organisation has its own unique factors and circumstances that call for creative customizable solutions. Upgrowth Asia utilizes research-based approaches and personalised development programs to help each individual leverage on their natural characteristics to grow into their best selves. Passionate about working with talented teams, we support our clients through growth enhancing management solutions that enable individuals to achieve breakthroughs, and in turn, drive organisational businesses forward in growth