Membership Directory - Individual

Rachel Khoo

Refining Coaches


Personal Profile: Rachel is a veteran in the banking industry with 20 years of experience. She set up her life coaching company in Dec 2017, with a specialization in finance coaching. Through the shifting of mindsets, behaviors, and habits utilizing NLP coaching tools and methodology, she works with individuals to gain awareness and adopt a clear action plan towards financial wellness. Rachel is also a huge advocate of empowering individuals with choices and wholeness in their life. She uses NLP as a tool to help them achieve clarity and sets out the action plan towards their goals. Rachel is a certified Coach in NLP Coaching & Psychotherapy. She also holds NLP Master Practitioner Certification, NLP trainer Certification and is credentialed with ICF as Professional Certified Coach (PCC).
One Sentence Introduction: With my 20 years extensive experience in banking industry, I specialize in achieving financial stability through guilt free spending habits and cash flow management.
Primary Focus: Life / Fulfillment
Coaching Specialities: Career, Change Management, Executive, Leadership, Life - Balance/Integration, Productivity, Relationship
Professional & Life Experience: Author, Consultant, Entrepreneur, Executive, Facilitator, Finance/Investment, Manager/Team Lead, Speaker, Therapist/Counsellor, Trainer
ICF Membership Number: 9271311
Credential: PCC
Degrees & Certifications: Certified Coach in Neuro Linguistic Programming, Certified in Psychotherapy of NLP, Certified trainer of NLP, Degree in Banking & Financial Services
Email Address: rachelkhoo10 [at]
Company Profile: Expense Concierge provides personalized cash flow management solution to help busy professionals start or accelerate their journey towards their financial goal, so that they can be financially independent. We work with our clients to evaluate their cash flow status, reduce debt and automate savings. All this while maintaining current lifestyle as much as possible.Apart from cash flow, we utilize Neuro Linguistic Programming Coaching to work on any limiting beliefs, evaluate your mindset and relationship with money. This provides clarity and focus in your financial goals and propels you towards achieving them. We believe in giving back to the society and this guides our working principles. Our approach in helping our clients achieve their financial goal is unconventional such that we don't sell them investment ideas. Rather we focus on helping them recognise the nature of their cashflows, rethink about their priorities and bringing out the maximum efficiency from their existing financial resources. In that process, the improvement in our client's financial well-being is our biggest motivator.