Membership Directory - Individual

Lok Yin Seto

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Personal Profile: As a young boy growing up in the 1960's I was inspired by President J. F. Kennedy's words: Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country. After graduating, I joined the public service and served Singapore for 40 years, of which the last 15 years were at C-level capacity. Now in my 60's, I was once again moved by what Sir Winston Churchill said: You make a living my taking but you make a life by giving.I believe that one way I can continue to give (and so make a life;) is to coach which in essence, is to inspire and empower others.
One Sentence Introduction: I am blessed to have served in many leadership roles throughout my 40-year public service career. As a leader my top priority is to develop other leaders, and coaching is the best way to do that.
Primary Focus: Corporate Leaders & Teams
Coaching Specialities: Executive, Leadership
Professional & Life Experience: Executive, Facilitator, Manager/Team Lead, Married, Parent, Trainer
Credential: Member/Trained
Degrees & Certifications: ICF PCC, Adv Mgmt Program, Harvard business School ,MA (Economics) University of Michigan, BA (High Honors) Michigan State University
Email Address: setolokyin67 [at]