Membership Directory - Individual

Rachel Tanoko

Chief Conversationalist at Triune Pro Pte Ltd


Personal Profile: I am an ICF Coach with the background of a senior corporate leader with 20 years+ of finance and business management and development experience, working with individuals and senior executives in MNCs and SMEs in Asia and the US. I am also a Chartered Accountant, a certified corporate trainer, an Agile coach, a wealth planner as well as a Certified Scrum Master. My diverse background and learnings have helped me to connect easily with my clients. As a coach, I have helped professionals and students alike, in co-creating conversations that help them gain the awareness they needed to achieve their desired outcome. Please connect with me and allow me to help you discover the power of coaching and how it can improve your life.
One Sentence Introduction: A coach who helps you gain clarity and unleash your personal and profession potential!
Primary Focus: Career Growth & Transition, Corporate Leaders & Teams, Life / Fulfillment, Relationship / Family
Coaching Specialities: Career, Executive, Leadership, Life - Balance/Integration, Productivity, Relationship, Teens/Children
Professional & Life Experience: Executive, Finance/Investment, Manager/Team Lead, Married, Non-Profit, Parent, Trainer
ICF Membership Number: 9594171
Credential: PCC
Degrees & Certifications: Associate Certified Coach, ICFChartered Accountant (Singapore), Master of Management in Hospitality (Cornell University, USA), Bachelor in Accountancy, Honors (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Email Address: coachracheltanoko [at]