Membership Directory - Individual

Chern Chou Yeow

Head of Business Development at KL Kepong


One Sentence Introduction: Chou is a positive and pragmatic people developer with a unique blend of leadership, management and sales training experience.
Primary Focus: Career Growth & Transition
Coaching Specialities: Business, Career, Change Management, Executive, Leadership, Life - Balance/Integration, Relationship, Teams
Professional & Life Experience: Executive, Manager/Team Lead
ICF Membership Number: 9121049
Credential: ACC
Degrees & Certifications: Systemic Team Coach (AoEC) Associated Certified Coach (ICF) Coaching for Performance (UK) Coaching for Leaders (Singapore) Finance for Non-Finance Managers (Singapore) Management for Impact (Singapore) Effective Sales Management (Belgium) BSc in Microbiology (Canada)
Email Address: chernchou.yeow [at]