Membership Directory - Individual

Agata Mathiasen



Personal Profile: Agata Mathiasen is a Psychologist and Psychotherapist, business Coach, executive leadership & Organizational Development consultant, and Management trainer with more than 15 years of professional experience throughout Europe, Asia and North America. She is experienced at consulting, providing business coaching and facilitating trainings for leaders from multinational organisations and multi-cultural groups. She has lived and/or worked in many countries including Poland, Spain, UK, Denmark, Japan, India and Singapore; as well as collaborated with people globally, mainly EU (European Union countries), US and Australia, China, HK and Malaysia.
One Sentence Introduction: Working with Agata Mathiasen is balancing between reflection and action
Primary Focus: Corporate Leaders & Teams
Coaching Specialities: Teams, Leadership, Life - Balance/Integration, Executive, Change Management, Career, Business
Professional & Life Experience: Consultant, Executive, Facilitator, HR, Manager/Team Lead, Therapist/Counsellor, Trainer
Credential: PCC
Degrees & Certifications: Education
Email Address: agatamathiasen [at]
Company Profile: Agata specializes in providing tailored development solutions for organizations, teams and individuals within a number of areas related to: Foundations for Global Mindset & Cross-Cultural Intelligence: global leadership, diversity and inclusion, working globally (managing remotely and virtual collaboration), Organizational Development: focused on increasing leadership capabilities and organizational effectiveness through a process of mapping success and redesigning organization leading to higher performance, Employee Development: maximizing individual potential by mental health and emotional resilience training, and design thinking in career design. Agata is currently providing various development solutions to a wide portfolio of clients: