Membership Directory - Individual

Kian Seng Ng

Principal Consultant at FutureBuild Consultancy


Personal Profile: Over 30 years of HR/OD experience in different capacities both as an in-house and external facilitator, coach and leader.
One Sentence Introduction: Life purpose-Inspire others to live a fulfilled life with wisdom; wisdom is taking care of self, others and the “here and now” place.
Primary Focus: Corporate Leaders & Teams, Life / Fulfillment
Coaching Specialities: Career, Change Management, Executive, Leadership, Life - Balance/Integration, Teams
Professional & Life Experience: Consultant, Executive, Facilitator, HR, Manager/Team Lead, Non-Profit, Parent, Speaker, Trainer
ICF Membership Number: 9732840
Credential: Member/Trained
Degrees & Certifications: Master HRD George Washington, Gestalt Professional Coaching Certificate, Certified in various personality instrument, ACTA trained
Email Address: ngkianseng59 [at]
Company Profile: Focus on executive coaching and facilitation for leaders and their team, working with them on the following: 1. Raise their consciousness of the here and now 2. Checking on team or person of energy 3. Identifying shared ground as a team 4. Partnering them to develop interventions or ways to move forward as a team or person Train facilitators and trainers in designing and delivering experiential learning for various settings, including corporate teams, change intervention and social learning like service learning for corporate social responsibilities.