Constitution of the International Coaching Federation, Singapore Chapter



  1. This Society shall be known as the “International Coaching Federation, Singapore Chapter”, hereinafter referred to as the “ICF Singapore Chapter”.



  1. Its place of business shall be at 138 Robinson Road #02-26 Oxley Tower, Singapore 068906 or other such address as may subsequently be decided upon by the Board and approved by the Registrar of Societies. The ICF Singapore Chapter shall carry out its activities only in places, which have the prior written approval of the relevant authorities, where necessary.



    1. Its objectives are:-
      1. To help members to be more successful in their profession.
      2. To increase the skills and effectiveness of its members.
      3. To raise the awareness of the wider community about the coaching profession.
      4. To provide a network through which its members can learn of and share opportunities.
      5. To provide a forum wherein the members can discuss issues of professional concern.
      6. To provide the opportunity for its members to collaborate in providing resources and solutions for their clients.



    1. Membership of ICF Singapore is as follows:-
      1. A person wishing to join the ICF Singapore Chapter must first join the International Coaching Federation (hereinafter referred to as “ICF Global”) and then designate the Singapore Chapter as his/her home chapter. ICF Global then advises the ICF Singapore Chapter of their membership.
      1. All members of the ICF Singapore Chapter have the right to vote and hold office, subject to the statutory minimum age of 21 years.


    1. All ICF Singapore Chapter members will be provided with a new members kit, which shall include a copy of the Society’s Constitution, and invited to participate in all members’ activities.


    1. ‘Student Associates’ may be offered to students on terms determined by the Board from time to time. Student associates refers to persons currently studying to be coaches. They have no voting rights and they have no rights to hold office.



    1. Annual subscriptions are payable through ICF Global which collects these fees annually and advises ICF Singapore Chapter of the members’ current payment status.
    2. Any additional local entrance fees and subscriptions shall be determined by the General Meeting on recommendation from the Board from time to time.
    3. Any additional funds required for special purposes, excluding regular events and conferences may only be raised from members with the consent of the General Meeting of members



    1. The supreme authority of the ICF Singapore Chapter is vested in the General Meeting of the members.


    1. An Annual General Meeting shall be held in January each year.


    1. At other times, an Extraordinary General Meeting must be called by the President on the request in writing of 30 voting members and may be called at any time by order of the Board. The notice in writing shall be given to the Secretary setting forth the business that is to be transacted. The Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened within two months from receiving this request to convene the Extraordinary General Meeting.
    1. If the Board does not within two months after the date of the receipt of the written request proceed to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting, the members who requested for the Extraordinary General Meeting shall convene the Extraordinary General Meeting by giving ten (10) days’ notice to voting members setting forth the business to be transacted and simultaneously posting the agenda on the ICF Singapore Chapter’s website.


    1. At least two (2) weeks’ notice shall be given of an Annual General Meeting and at least ten (10) days’ notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting. Notice of the meeting stating the date, time and place of the meeting shall be sent by the Secretary to all voting members. The particulars of the agenda shall also be posted on the ICF Singapore Chapter’s website at least four days in advance of the meeting.


    1. Voting by proxy shall not be allowed at any General Meetings. On-line voting will be allowed under specific guidelines established by the Board and advised to Members at least 21 days prior to Annual General Meeting.


    1. The following points will be considered at the Annual General Meeting:-
      1. The previous financial year’s accounts and annual report of the Board.
      2. Where applicable, the election of Board Members and Honorary Auditors for the following term. The office-bearers will be appointed by the Board after they have been voted in by the members.


    1. Any member who wishes to place an item on the agenda of a General Meeting may do so provided she/he gives notice to the Secretary one week before the meeting is due to be held.


    1. 30 members present at a General Meeting shall form a quorum.


    1. In the event of there being no quorum at the commencement of a General Meeting, the meeting shall be adjourned for half an hour and should the number then present be insufficient to form a quorum, those present shall be considered a quorum, but they shall have no power to amend any of the existing Constitution.



    1. The management of the ICF Singapore Chapter shall be entrusted to a Board consisting of the following Office Bearers (seven positions):-
      1. a President;
      2. an Immediate Past President
      3. a President Elect;
      4. a Secretary and an Assistant Secretary;
      5. a Treasurer and an Assistant Treasurer; and
      6. 5 to 9 Ordinary Committee Members two of which can be Alternate Members who serve 1-year terms.


    1. (a) each year the Board will announce the Election Calendar to all members, covering the following: The AGM date will serve as Election Day. Voting on- line will commence at least 21 days prior this AGM date. A period of 35 days prior to opening of on-line voting will be established during which applications for positions on the Board will be received. Applications will be reviewed and interviews arranged with the nomination panel prior to nominees being placed on the ballot.

     (b)   The term of office for each Board member shall be two years. Office-bearers may not be re-elected to the same post for more than two consecutive terms.


    1. Election of Board members will be held annually at the Annual General Meeting provided that:-
      1. a new President Elect will be elected annually to serve one year as President Elect, then one year as President, and then one year as Immediate Past President (three years in total);
      2. if the PE resigns in term, the new PE will be nominated by the Board within 30 days. The P and the IPP will support the role till the new PE is nominated;
      3. in order to create a balanced Board made up of new and existing members, around half of the members will come up for election for a two-year term every year;
      4. “Alternate members” will be full voting members elected on a one-year term in order to allow for talents to be recruited for special short-term needs and to encourage new members to join to gain experience working on the Board.


    1. Candidates for President and for President Elect shall have previously served at least one (1) year in any Board position at the time of the AGM. The process for election of PE would be as specified in the Bylaws.
    1. (a) Should the President resign his/her position, or otherwise be unable to complete the term, the President Elect will immediately assume the position of President, completing the unexpired portion of that term and then continue as President in the next term as originally elected.


  1. Should any other Office Bearer or Ordinary Committee Member resign or otherwise be unable to complete his/her term, that position will be reassigned to another member of the Board till the next election.


  1. The Board may co-opt members onto the Board to maintain the number needed to accomplish the mission and objectives. Co-opted members will serve as Deputy Director till the next election.


    1. Election will be by majority of those members voting, either by the on-line method or in person at the AGM. In the event of a tie, the Chairman of the meeting shall have the final casting vote.


    1. A Board Meeting shall be held at least once every 3 months after giving seven (7) days’ notice to Committee Members. The President may call a Board Meeting any time by giving five (5) days’ notice. At least half of the Board Members must be present for its proceedings to be valid.


    1. Any member of the Board absenting himself/herself from three (3) meetings and/or Retreats in a calendar year without any valid reasons in writing will have his/her continued status on the Board reviewed by and with the President. If the Board member misses three meetings, they may be asked to resign. The final decision will be made by a majority vote of the Board. A successor may be co-opted by the Board to serve until the next Annual General Meeting. Any changes in the Board shall be notified to the Registrar of Societies within two weeks of the change.


    1. The duty of the Board is to organize and supervise the day-to-day activities of the ICF Singapore Chapter. The Board may not act contrary to the expressed wishes of the General Meeting without prior reference to it and always remains subordinate to the General Meetings.
    1. The Board has the power to authorize the expenditure of a sum not exceeding SGD10,000 per month from the ICF Singapore Chapter’s funds for the ICF Singapore Chapter’s purposes.



    1. The President shall chair all General meetings. He/she shall also represent the ICF Singapore Chapter in its dealings with the ICF Global organization and other outside persons. He/she will have primary responsibility for strategic issues ensuring the sustainable growth of the chapter.


    1. (a) The President Elect shall assist the President and deputise for him/her in his/her absence. The President Elect will have primary responsibility to deal with all operational issues such as managing the Board meetings and supporting all sub- committees in accomplishing their objectives. The President Elect will also undertake such roles and responsibilities of leadership as mutually agreed with the President. The President Elect will immediately become President at the end of the President’s term of office.
    1. The Immediate Past President (IPP) is a full voting member of the Board. The IPP will have primary responsibility to meet and work with the other Past Presidents especially when their input and advice is needed. The IPP will also undertake such roles and responsibilities as mutually agreed with the President.
    2. Those Office bearers holding the positions of President Elect, President, and Immediate Past President may be referred to as the “Office of the President”.


    1. The Secretary shall keep all records, except financial, of the ICF Singapore Chapter and shall be responsible for their correctness. He/she will keep minutes of all General and Board meetings. She/he shall maintain an up-to-date Register of Members at all times.


    1. The Assistant Secretary shall assist the Secretary and deputize for him/her in his/her absence.
    2. The Treasurer shall keep all funds and collect and disburse all moneys on behalf of the ICF Singapore Chapter and shall keep an account of all monetary transactions and shall be responsible for their correctness. He/she is authorized to expend up to SGD100.00 per month for petty expenses on behalf of the ICF Singapore Chapter. He/she will not keep more than SGD250.00 in the form of cash, and money in excess of this will be deposited in a bank to be named by the Board. Cheques, etc. for withdrawals from the bank will be signed by two Office Bearers: a) either the President, or President Elect; and b) either the Treasurer, Secretary, or Assistant Treasurer.


    1. The Assistant Treasurer shall assist the Treasurer and deputise for him/her in his/her absence.


    1. Ordinary Board Members shall assist in the general administration of the ICF Singapore Chapter and perform duties assigned by the Board from time to time.


    1. All past presidents of ICF Singapore Chapter shall be allowed to carry the title of Past President. The most recent Past President shall be titled Immediate Past President. Past Presidents may be invited to attend Board meetings from time to time, and the Immediate Past President will serve as full Board member.



    1. Two voting members, not being members of the Board, nor having served on the Board during the previous year, shall be elected each year as Honorary Auditors by the majority of those members voting, either by the on-line method or in person at the Annual General Meeting and will hold office for two years and shall not be re-elected for a consecutive term. In the event that either of the Honorary Auditors becomes unable to fulfil their responsibilities, e.g. they no longer reside in Singapore, the Board shall have the right to approve a suitable replacement.


    1. They:-
      1. Will be required to audit each year's accounts and present a report during the Annual General Meeting.
      2. May be required by the President to audit the ICF Singapore Chapter’s accounts for any period within their tenure of office at any date and make a report to the Board.


    1. The financial year shall be from 1st January to 31st December.



    1. If the ICF Singapore Chapter at any time acquires any immovable property, such property shall be vested in trustees subject to a declaration of trust.


    1. The trustees of the ICF Singapore Chapter shall:-
      1. Not be more than four and not less than two in number.
      2. Be elected by a General Meeting of members.
      3. Not effect any sale or mortgage of property without the prior approval of the General Meeting of members.


    1. The office of trustee shall be vacated:-
      1. If the trustee dies or becomes a lunatic or of unsound mind.
      2. If he/she is absent from the Republic of Singapore for a period of more than one year.
      3. If he/she is guilty of misconduct of such a kind as to render it undesirable that he/she continues as a trustee.
      4. If he/she submits notice of resignation from his/her trusteeship.


    1. Notice of any proposal to remove a trustee from his/her trusteeship or to appoint a new trustee to fill a vacancy must be given by posting it on the ICF Singapore Chapter’s website at least two weeks before the General Meeting at which the proposal is to be discussed. The result of such General Meeting shall then be notified to the Registrar of Societies.


    1. The address of each immovable property, name of each trustee and any subsequent change must be notified to the Registrar of Societies.



11.1 Visitors and guests may be admitted into the premises of the ICF Singapore Chapter but they shall not be admitted into the privileges of the ICF Singapore Chapter. All visitors and guests shall abide by the ICF Singapore Chapter’s rules and regulations.



    1. Gambling of any kind, excluding the promotion or conduct of a private lottery which has been permitted under the Private Lotteries Act Cap 250, is forbidden on the ICF Singapore Chapter’s premises. The introduction of materials for gambling or drug taking and of bad characters into the premises is prohibited.


    1. The funds of the ICF Singapore Chapter shall not be used to pay the fines and legal fees of members who have been convicted in court of law in his/her own personal capacity.


    1. The ICF Singapore Chapter shall not engage in any trade union activity as defined in any written law relating to trade unions for the time being in force in Singapore.


    1. The ICF Singapore Chapter shall not attempt to restrict or interfere with trade or make directly or indirectly any recommendation to, any arrangement with its members which has the purpose or is likely to have the effect of fixing or controlling the price of or any discount, allowance or rebate relating to any goods or services which adversely affect consumer interests.


    1. The ICF Singapore Chapter shall not indulge in any political activity or allow its funds and/or premises to be used for political purposes.


    1. The ICF Singapore Chapter shall not hold any lottery, whether confined to its members or not, in the name of the ICF Singapore Chapter or its office-bearers, Committee or members unless with the prior approval of the relevant authorities.


    1. The ICF Singapore Chapter shall not raise funds from the public for whatever purposes without the prior approval in writing of the Head, Licensing Division, Singapore Police Force and other relevant authorities.



13.1 No alteration or addition/deletion to this Constitution shall be made except at a General Meeting (AGM or EGM) and with the consent of a majority of the members present and voting either online or in person, and they shall not come into force without the prior sanction of the Registrar of Societies.



14.1 In the event of any question or matter pertaining to day-to-day administration which is not expressly provided for in this Constitution, the Board shall have power to use their own discretion. The decision of the Board shall be final unless it is reversed at a General Meeting of members.



15.1 In the event of any dispute arising amongst members, they shall attempt to resolve the matter at an Extraordinary General Meeting in accordance with this Constitution. Should the members fail to resolve the matter, they are to first attempt settling the dispute at the Singapore Mediation Centre failing which the parties having the dispute may as a last resort bring the matter to a court of law for settlement.



    1. The ICF Singapore Chapter shall not be dissolved, except with the consent of not less than three-fifths (3/5) of the total voting membership of the ICF Singapore Chapter for the time being resident in Singapore expressed in person at a General Meeting convened for the purpose.


    1. In the event of the ICF Singapore Chapter being dissolved as provided above, all debts and liabilities legally incurred on behalf of the ICF Singapore Chapter shall be fully discharged, and the remaining funds will be disposed of in such manner as the General Meeting of members may determine or donated to an approved charity or charities in Singapore.


    1. A Certificate of Dissolution shall be given within seven (7) days of the dissolution to the Registrar of Societies.



Download the Constitution here.



ICF Singapore Chapter Bylaws

Read the Chapter Bylaws by clicking here