Membership Directory - Individual

Chuen Chuen Yeo, PCC

Managing Director at ACESENCE Agile Leadership Coaching and Training


Personal Profile: Leaders are expected to continuously improve their effectiveness. A leader can never become “too good”. In fact, the demand on effective leaders in the business arena is expected to increase exponentially, putting enormous pressure on anyone expected to lead at peak performance in a highly complex world. To get themselves ready for the challenge, leaders should seek coaching early in their careers. I work with leaders who are expected to lead in multi-generational, multi-cultural environments in increasing their agility both in the way of doing and the way of being, indeed, those who are expected to lead in the next era where adaptability, flexibility, resilience and the need to embrace rapid changes are high. Leaders whom I partner can expect a tailor-made experience to increase their influence and may focus on a number of areas such as: • Building an inclusive, enabling, creative culture; • Establishing a transparent communication style which promotes multi-way communication and learning; • Learning to give and receive feedback; • Embodying a growth mindset and continuous learning to embrace change; and • Work-life harmony. I offer a holistic, effective solution for leaders to bring about the changes they want, comprising one-to-one coaching both in-person and via teleconference. Between sessions, I also provide resources and short support calls whenever necessary. I work with leaders for a minimum of 6 months. There is no shortcut; this gives leaders ample time to devise their strategies for both present and future. We get to work on deep mastery of a range of essential skills to refine one’s leadership being, and hence, doing. Coaching Client Profiles: Assistant Country Director, Senior Director, Vice-President, Manager, Mid-to-senior executives, entrepreneur Client Testimonials: “This was my first experience with coaching and I found it extremely useful in helping me deal with a very difficult situation at work and transiting to a new position. We spent our sessions looking at work-related transitions and managing interpersonal tension. Chuen Chuen was an excellent coach, a good listener and she asked relevant questions at the right time which made me reflect on my own experience through different perspectives. She helped me handle a very difficult situation at work. One of my sessions with her was a turning point for me and really helped me a lot. After my first session, I implemented some of her tips to address some situations at work. After my second session, I tried to look at my own situation with a much more positive outlook. I have successfully transitioned into a new position and I am much happier and effective now.” - Catherine Phuong, Assistant Country Director – Governance and Participation, United Nations Development Programme,Vietnam I found the sessions with Chuen Chuen very useful and practical for me. I am highly satisfied with the results. Chuen Chuen is able to help me to sharpen my thoughts and to find practical solutions and ways forward to challenges that I face day-to-day at the office. I was already impressed by the results we achieved together after my first one-hour session. She was focused and supported me to identify objectives for each session and to reach those objectives by the end of each session. Overall, I noticed that I was more focused at work and had a stronger sense of the value of better balancing work and life commitments. - Mollie, United Nations FPA, Myanmar
One Sentence Introduction: PCC, leadership Agility Coach - I help leaders grow the agile mindset for business and personal success.
Primary Focus: Corporate Leaders & Teams
Coaching Specialities: Career, Change Management, Leadership
Professional & Life Experience: Author, Entrepreneur, Executive, Facilitator, Manager/Team Lead, Married, Non-Profit, Parent, Trainer
ICF Membership Number: 9052496
Credential: PCC
Degrees & Certifications: Forbes Coaches Council Professional Certified Coach Agile Certified Coach Marshall Goldsmith Certified executive Coach John Maxwell Team
Email Address: chuenchuen [at]