Membership Directory - Individual

Joan Chia

Adjunct Lecturer and Counsellor at Various organisations


Personal Profile: Passionate about helping others towards leading a needs-satisfying life through a range of skills in lecturing, counselling, coaching and training. Possess a belief that everyone can be empowered to lead their own satisfying lives through a greater self-awareness and taking actions to make wise choices for themselves. I am a blessed mother to 3 young children and have been able to also personally lead a well-balanced and satisfying life.
One Sentence Introduction: A free spirit who aims to help others while also walking the talk as much as possible.
Primary Focus: Career Growth & Transition, Life / Fulfillment, Relationship / Family
Coaching Specialities: Coach Supervision/Mentoring, Conflict Resolution, Life - Balance/Integration, Relationship, Teens/Children
Professional & Life Experience: Facilitator, Married, Parent, Therapist/Counsellor, Trainer
ICF Membership Number: 9866827
Credential: Member/Trained
Degrees & Certifications: Bachelor of Business Admin; Masters of Arts (Counselling); ACTA; CPLC
Email Address: gentlespiritco [at]