Membership Directory - Individual

Vincent Wong

Director at Oneness Consultancy and Academy


Personal Profile: I'm a physicist who desires to understand not just how the world around us works, but also how the human being works. To do that requires a healthy mind and body which I acquired through a multi-disciplinary study coupled with an inquisitive desire. I leverage on the understanding of the vast world of knowledge so you don't have to decipher them yourself.
One Sentence Introduction: Lifestyle Coach - Specializing in blissful living A truly holistic approach utilizing a combination of modern coaching techniques and the latest scientific knowledge on attaining happiness, to help the client towards the kind of life they aspire for.
Primary Focus: Life / Fulfillment
Coaching Specialities: Change Management, Health & Wellness, Life - Balance/Integration
Professional & Life Experience: Consultant, Entrepreneur, Fitness/Nutrition, Manager/Team Lead, PhD, Programmer/Engineer
ICF Membership Number: 9873639
Credential: Member/Trained, PCC
Email Address: v1nw0n9 [at]