Singapore Chapter Board Election 2025


Singapore 2025 Board Election Process for Open Board Positions 2025



Application Process


  1. All ICF Singapore members in good standing are eligible to apply
  2. Applicant to submit interest here
  3. Application package will be sent to those interested
  4. All applicants with completed Nomination Forms will be interviewed virtually by the Interview Panel 


Overview of process & timelines



What Happens



Application of Interest open

Monday, 16 September 2024


Q&A Session with Board 2024 President & President-Elect 

10am on Monday, 23 September 2024 OR 

8pm on Tuesday, 24 September 2024 


Applications to be completed and submitted by deadline. Late submissions will not be entertained.

Tuesday, 15 October 2024


Nomination Committee will conduct interviews of candidates who have filed their nomination forms.  Review candidates based on interviews.  

Wednesday, 16 October 2024 - Friday,  8 November 2024


Nomination Committee presents recommendation of the final slate of candidates for Board approval.

Monday, 18 November 2024, 6:00-7:00pm Board Meeting


Online balloting opens for ICF members

Friday, 22 November 2024 - 

Friday , 20 December 2024


Results for final shortlisted candidates announced at AGM. All candidates need to be present.

Monday,  13 January 2025


First Board 2025 Full Day Retreat. ALL Board 2025 members to be present. Set aside this date to attend this Retreat.

Saturday, 8 February 2025


Board Role Requirements


Professional requirements

  • ICF Singapore Chapter member in good standing
  • Aligned with the Chapter Constitution and committed to upholding the values and the gold standards of the ICF
  • Have been involved in Coaching (30% of overall work) or the ICF Coaching community in any capacity actively
  • Demonstrated ability to lead teams effectively
  • Demonstrates commitment to continuously grow and develop the Chapter 
  • Committed to hold office and complete 2-year term
  • Committed to serving under an official capacity and demonstrates discipline in withholding self-promotion
  • Preferably, an ICF Credentialed Coach or has strong intention to obtain credential within the term


Personal attributes

  • Works with integrity, discipline and reliability. Maintains professional and ethical behaviours and practices at all times
  • Self-driven, enthusiastic, agile and resilient
  • Demonstrates positive work values, puts the larger interest before self and works collaboratively to make things happen
  • Able to manage ambiguity, resourceful and enjoys generating ideas/solutions
  • Effective and warm communicator. Able to inspire others towards a common vision and purpose
  • Ready to step up as a community LEADER and serve as a TEAM PLAYER


Roles and responsibilities for Open Board Positions in 2025

Jump to:

President Elect


Director of Strategic Partnerships

Director of Social Impact

Director of Professional Development


President Elect



Must have served at least 1 year between 2022-2024 in any Board position at the time of the AGM


Main Responsibility:

Fully supports the President in all aspects of leading the Board and carrying out its initiatives.  Oversee Chapter governance throughout the election preparation process.  Raise awareness and impact of coaching through the International Coaching Week and foster membership engagement, strategic partnerships and fund development.


Time commitment: 

10-15 hours a week.


Duties include:     

  • Support awareness of ICF Global Vision, Mission, Values and Strategic Plan initiatives with stakeholders
  • Develop strategic relationships with key external parties to pave the way for collaboration raising the impact and visibility of coaching
  • Represent the Chapter at regional meetings and ICF Global Leadership Forum 
  • Support and defend policies and programs adopted by the Board of Directors
  • Deputise the President in case of absence, disability, or by request to perform duties in all operational matters by staying knowledgeable about the chapter
  • Be familiar with the policies and procedures of the local regulations, ICF Global, Chapter Constitution, Bylaws, SOPs and duties of all other Officers, Directors, and team chairpersons
  • Ensure the chapter adheres to minimum chapter standards as prescribed by ICF and local laws.
  • Lead the development, planning and implementation of the International Coaching Week to improve outcomes over prior year.  This includes committee formation, speaking faculty, sponsorship & partnership outreach, budgeting, project planning, Board  involvement and member communication. 
  • Act as coach, mentor and advisor to board members and teams
  • Initiate the Board Election and Annual General Meeting process with the Secretary and oversee the governance requirements of the Constitution, Bylaws and SOPs.
  • Facilitate the appointment of the Nomination Committee and serve on it to develop a slate of qualified board members for the following year for succession planning and talent injection.
  • Ensure Board members are briefed to update their roles and responsibilities along with Standard Operating Procedures for election & smooth transition.
  • Finalize with existing Board members on intention and interest in Board involvement for the upcoming year.
  • Work closely with the President to craft the Board organisation structure and appointment considering the chapter priorities and strategies for the new term
  • Provide Board briefing on the process, duties and progress of election.




Main Responsibility

Keep all records, except financials, in good order. Manage all General and Board meetings and onboarding in alignment with the Constitution, Bylaws and SOPs, support a robust Election process, keep minutes of all meetings and meet all requirements of the Registry of Societies.  


Time Commitment

10-15 hours per week


Duties include:

  • Keep all records of ICF Singapore Chapter and be responsible for their correctness including organising in ICF shared drive and enabling access to Board members according to document sensitivity requirements
  • Manage the year’s calendar of Board meeting and retreat dates and provide advance notice to the Board.
  • Keep minutes of all Board meetings and distribute minutes to the Board promptly after each meeting
  • Assist the President in opening and facilitating the meeting agenda timeliness.
  • Manage all Annual and Extraordinary General meetings of members and ensure that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, Bylaws, SOPs or as required by the law
  • Assist the President Elect in the preparation of the Election process ensuring that requirements of the Constitution, Bylaws and SOPs are met.
  • Keep a record of all Board attendance in the Chapter Leader Training and Board members’ signed Chapter Leader and Ethics Documents
  • Organize and facilitate the Onboarding of new Board Members and Ambassadors ensuring they fully understand their Ethics and Chapter Leadership duties
  • Keep all members informed of important Chapter updates of relevance
  • Conduct the correspondence of the Chapter under the direction of the President and Board 
  • Ensure that ICF Singapore mailing address is up to date and correctly reflected in all official documents, correspondence and website
  • Maintain up to date records of the Chapter entity, Board details and other requirements promptly with the Registry of Societies via online system
  • Familiar with ICF Branding requirements
  • Perform other duties as from time to time that may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors.


Director of Strategic Partnerships 


Main Responsibility:

Leads the development of strategic and value-adding partnerships with parties external to the ICF Singapore Chapter community that contributes to the growth of ICF chapter and members. 


Time commitment

10-15 hours a week.


Duties include:     

  • Develop win-win relationships by partnering corporates, professional and trade associations, institutions of learning, not-for-profit/charity/social service organisations, coach education providers, and government agencies to raise the awareness in the wider community about ICF, the chapter and coaching profession.
  • Develop initiatives with partners that provide opportunities to experience coaching and extend the impact of coaching to their stakeholders, as part of promoting the value of coaching with credentialed coaches.
  • Initiate the development of strategic partnerships that culminate in signing of documents such as MOUs and execution of agreed initiatives
  • Develop ways to track and measure the growth and success of partnership efforts and how we help our members be more successful in their profession. 
  • Identify and propose to the Board for chapter participation at major local, national, and international industry events and conferences and work towards securing these opportunities.
  • Identify collaborative opportunities with other ICF chapters to plan and implement meaningful and positively impactful projects for members and the community.     
  • Coordinate outreach efforts to ICF-accredited coach education providers with Memberships team to promote ICF membership to their trainees through instruments such as discounted rates for their trainees to join ICF as members, as part of promoting ICF and the coaching profession
  • Engage partner organizations to create new opportunities for collaboration, sharing of resources and solutions, and introducing innovative activities.
  • Engage and inspire audiences through announcements and partnership success via online platforms and media
  • Build and guide a team of ambassadors to assist with project implementation


Director of Social Impact 


Main Responsibility:

Leads initiatives to create positive social impact and ripple effects in the local community with social service agencies and charities to deepen the value of the ICF coaching community. 


Time commitment

10-15 hours a week.


Duties include:     

  • Strategize, plan, develop and execute outreach efforts to increase positive social impact for the chapter 
  • Establish and maintain a series of pro bono and low bono coaching programs throughout the year
  • Organise at least one Ignite project a year with strategic partners to increase member engagement and contribution, as well as raise the visibility of the Singapore chapter locally and globally.
  • Build and maintain rapport with partner social service agencies and charities
  • For Ignite projects, maintain regular communication and tracking with ICF Foundation on project development and progress reporting
  • Develop ways to monitor and evaluate impact of initiatives
  • Identify collaborative opportunities with other ICF chapters to plan and implement meaningful and positively impactful projects for members and the community.     
  • Manage pre- and post-event publicity efforts 
  • Build and guide a team of ambassadors to assist with project implementation
  • Maintain rapport and engagement with volunteer coaches
  • Provide regular updates and reports to Board on initiatives and impact
  • Establish and maintain effective process flow and knowledge management system within Partnerships team


Director of Professional Development


Main Responsibility

Lead the vision and execution of monthly events, ensuring alignment with chapter priorities and fostering positive engagement.  Curate and deliver content that supports the professional growth of our coaches, while maximising event attendance from members. 


Time Commitment

10-15 hours per week


Key Responsibilities:

  • Develop an annual calendar of monthly events and support flagship events like ICW and BDS in sourcing high-calibre speakers with expertise relevant to the coaching community for both webinars and in-person events.
  • Pre-plan events quarterly to ensure ample time for finalizing details and uploading them on Glue Up.
  • Serve as the primary liaison with speakers, managing their arrangements and ensuring effective communication and logistics.
  • Oversee administrative requirements, including the Speaker’s Application Form, ensuring adherence to governance principles.
  • Support speaker relations, coordinating logistics such as audiovisual needs, room setup, menu selection, registration, and other event requirements.
  • Ensure that topics and delivery methods are relevant and impactful for attendees.
  • Submit Continuing Coach Education Units (CCEU) applications to ICF headquarters and issue CCEUs to attendees.
  • Onboard and manage Professional Development Ambassadors, ensuring they can self-manage and collaborate effectively in their roles.
  • Develop and implement a system for collecting and summarizing attendee evaluations, and report the findings to the Board.
  • Coordinate with Marketing & Communications to promote events across online and offline platforms.
  • Handle event and CCEU inquiries from both members and non-members.
  • Communicate strategic issues related to professional development to the Board.