Membership Directory - Individual

Vaishali Bhat

Managing Director at Illume Consulting Pte. Ltd.


Personal Profile:
One Sentence Introduction: I coach with the purpose of being the light of illumination on the path to positive energy and potential fulfilment.
Primary Focus: Business / Entrepreneurship, Career Growth & Transition, Corporate Leaders & Teams, Life / Fulfillment, Relationship / Family
Coaching Specialities: Business, Career, Change Management, Conflict Resolution, Executive, Leadership, Life - Balance/Integration
Professional & Life Experience: Author, Consultant, Entrepreneur, Executive, Facilitator, Finance/Investment, Manager/Team Lead, Married, Parent, Programmer/Engineer, Speaker, Trainer
ICF Membership Number: 9716222
Credential: Member/Trained, ACC
Degrees & Certifications: CPCC, Hogan/LCP/MBTI Certified Facilitator
Email Address: vaishali [at]
Company Profile: Consulting, Coaching, Leadership Development