Membership Directory - Individual

Gurunath Hari

Head of Practise at Emineo Pursuits


Primary Focus: Business / Entrepreneurship, Career Growth & Transition, Corporate Leaders & Teams, Life / Fulfillment, Relationship / Family
Coaching Specialities: Business, Career, Change Management, Coach Supervision/Mentoring, Creativity, Executive, Health & Wellness, Leadership, Productivity, Relationship
Professional & Life Experience: Author, Consultant, Creative/Artist, Entrepreneur, Executive, Facilitator, HR, Manager/Team Lead, Married, Parent, Speaker, Trainer
ICF Membership Number: 009788821I
Credential: Member/Trained
Degrees & Certifications: MBA, PG Dip Data Science
Email Address: happytohelp [at]
Company Profile: Emineo Pursuits (EP) is a social enterprise that optimizes employee engagement and productivity by informing where, what and on who to invest precious bottom-line dollars on, for their holistic well-being specially mental health. We do this using our well-tested, proprietary 6-dimensional holistic wellbeing diagnostic assessment and insights from the analytics of the data from employee responses. We have powerful testimonials from existing global clients. They love the high ROI of EP's services which is multiple times better than the current one-size-fits-all wellness approach by informing negotiations with service providers and reducing wastage of unused capacity, while delivering assistance for what is most valued and by the ones who needs it most. The engagement with EP does not close until pre-agreed KPIs and business impact is accomplished. All this at a fraction of other big name solution providers in this specialized space. And its all invented here in Singapore with mentorship of the best globally respected thought leaders like Prof Sir Cary Cooper, Dr. Kerry Evers, Dr. David Burns and Dr. Subramanya Rao.