Membership Directory - Individual

Sarah Garner

ADHD coach at Global Neurodiverse Families


Personal Profile: ADHD coach/educator/trainer specializing in supporting globally mobile neurodiverse families at home, at school, and at work.
One Sentence Introduction: In earlier roles, I taught law students and trained lawyers, honing their client-counseling skills. Now, I apply those proven approaches to my ADHD coaching work, in addition to drawing on a wealth of personal experience as a late-diagnosed woman with ADHD and as a parent of children with ADHD, alongside credentials from ADDCA, ICF and PAAC.
Primary Focus: Life / Fulfillment, Relationship / Family
Coaching Specialities: Leadership, Life - Balance/Integration, Special Needs, Teens/Children
Professional & Life Experience: Consultant, Law, Non-Profit, Trainer
ICF Membership Number: 9835622
Credential: ACC
Degrees & Certifications: B.A., J.D., M.L.I.S., CACP
Email Address: Sarah [at]